First half gets great, second mega-meh

The king in yellow, Robert W. Chambers

Latest haul

House of Leaves

Ergodic literature

The jealousy/resignation of Catullus/ Klassisk diktning


Å, vår Lesbia, Caelius, den kvinnan

just den Lesbia som Catullus älskat

som sig själv och de sina, ja, än mera,

kan man se i ett gathörn, i en portgång,

runka av den berömde Remus söner

The lust of Catullus/ Klassisk diktning


Var så snäll, du min söta lilla Ipsitilla,

min förtjusande lilla älsklingsflicka,

och bjud in mig en stund i eftermiddag,

och om du då bjuder hem mig var då vänlig

att se till att din dörr står öppen för mig

och att du själv inte har fått ett infall

att gå ut någonstans, men stannar hemma

och är redo att knulla nio gånger.

Men om du är upptagen vid den tiden,

bed mig komma direkt. Jag är redo,

ligger här på min säng och täcket putar

Oh goodie, it's friday!

We work hard, we play harder

Josh Homme

"Independent minded girls that are naked sound like a great start to something"

The shapes of Waits

He is turning into somewhat of an obsession

Albert Camus - man, myth, nobel laureate

I'm especially fond of the fall

But all his novels are good reads. No excuses, drop your crappy Paulo Coelhos and develop good taste - I'm here to help you.

Creator of cyberpunk

Coined the term cyberspace

William Gibson - author of Neuromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive etc...
The world belongs to the brainy - don't you little sheep forget that.

Man of the century

"Hos mannen kvarstår av kastrationskomplexets inflytande också ett visst mått av nedvärdering av kvinnan, som betraktas som kastrerad. Ur denna nedvärdering utvecklas i extremfallet en hämning av objektvalet och, ifall den understöds genom organiska faktorer, fullständig homosexualitet"

-early 20th century (has since been disputed/discredited - still funny though)

Read if still unread (33 yrs late)

Re-think perspectives. Time not right to go philosophical. Later grasshoppers. Feels good to be back

Check out the numero group

This from release/compilation 014: Cult Cargo: Grand Bahama Goombay

You can thank me later by hooking me up with the aforementioned album.

Mistura Walken

No comments

The importance of being Earnest

"They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason."

There's a reference to two authors in this post. Even the author not depicted in the picture is referenced in an obvious manner. Tell me which two without using google and you'll have my respect for at least an hour

There is a connection between weed and depression. Today is not a good day.

Say it right, say it true

The blessed gypsy

"He (Django Reinhardt) was God. Just amazing"

/Jeff Beck

Blues/folk special

Different sounds, same soul. Either enjoy or go listen to soulless coked up house music instead. As always the choice is yours.

Elliot Smith

If pushed to describe his music in one sentence it'd be: "Makes you want to kill yourself, but, you know, in a good way"

I can't help but falling hopelessly in love with Natasha Khan

What would dead prez think about me posting this vid right after I recommended them?

I betcha she doesn't shave her vagina. I'm sorry, that was just plain inappropriate.

When dead prez is around we all wanna be african

The revolution is coming to europe this summer

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