Best employees in the world?

Ok, maybe I'll keep doing pictures for a while. But no more of that drugs and decadency crap - that's just plain boring and unimportant. The soul of the soulless so to speak.

First world-problem of the day

i haven't updated in a while, thought about closing the whole thing down, creating a new blog, more conventional, with more text and less pictures. Rants. Not about my life, but rather on subjects that interest me. Like the american tea party-movement, crappy action movies and whatnot. Then i realised I could just pull a switcheroo on this one. And that's what I'll do


Now, the way i see it, the biggest problem with porn is that it changes your view on sex from something visceral to something visual. Sex shouldn't be about visual stimuli.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.

Cosmic horror by Lovecraft

Archenemys (albeit not living in same era) and nudity


And, as promised:

Cité. Obscenity


Russian prison tattoos. Fiction and reality

The glory of fiction

will rarely match the absurdity of reality

Chomsky on Foucault

"I have never effectively understood what he was talking about."

Philosopher versus internet phenomena pt.1

"It is so characteristic, that just when the mechanics of reproduction are so vastly improved, there are fewer and fewer people who know how the music should be played."  - Wittgenstein


Gash and lash - springtime with Vile

Easy steal

Stephen Colbert in outfit designed by Galliano
None of this is true

Did he post porn? Is that even legal?

Have to even out with some nerdstuff

Upcoming game, fusing 80s tribute with GTA. Could suck, will probably be ok

99 % of population is incapable of

It's so simple your average monkey will understand it. No excuses - read little monkeys.

Atlas shrugged...and so did the literary critics

Someday I'm gonna read "Atlas shrugged". Problem is I've tried, and it's just plain bad. Terrible writing. Ayn Rand occupies the middle ground between philosophy and literature. Tries to convey arguments through her characters, and they end up two-dimensional. This is nothing but an epic fail. 

Instead read a real author (Roberto Bolano, 2666):

Or if you're into shorter books (Murakami, after dark):

Or just more straightforward stuff (Bukowski, Factotum):

You're Welcome

Ride - In a different place

Yes, I'm slow, but no one can know everything at once.

Weekend break

Gym, tan, laundry

Get drunk...

...or die...



Anyone able to tell me where this picture is from will win a date with my sister

Absolutely gorgeous (like you hadn't figured out i was a nerd by now)

And on to less serious matters

I Loathe Metallica

Silly little pups

But i do like Pantera:


Despite popular opinion, I'm not without soul

Recently recommended. Daddy likes.

With a solo fit for any castlevania game.

Making this an amazing song. Solo starts at 3:23

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