Lost in translation

Archenemys (albeit not living in same era) and nudity


And, as promised:

Everything sacred, nothing holy



Cité. Obscenity


Latest haul

House of Leaves

Ergodic literature

Magnum condom equals monster dong or other way around

Frank Reynolds - Womaniser


Back on twitter, follow me on twitter.com/crprtmthrfckr.

I also go by the name egacepar. bye now

Madonna of the meadows v. Madonna of the streets

Picture just above is actual artist Madonna, from before her transgender days.

Classic nudes

Seeing as how ancient poetry rarely yields interest...

Giving in to popular demand...

Vintage nudes

Seeing as how ancient poetry rarely yields interest...

The jealousy/resignation of Catullus/ Klassisk diktning


Å, vår Lesbia, Caelius, den kvinnan

just den Lesbia som Catullus älskat

som sig själv och de sina, ja, än mera,

kan man se i ett gathörn, i en portgång,

runka av den berömde Remus söner

The lust of Catullus/ Klassisk diktning


Var så snäll, du min söta lilla Ipsitilla,

min förtjusande lilla älsklingsflicka,

och bjud in mig en stund i eftermiddag,

och om du då bjuder hem mig var då vänlig

att se till att din dörr står öppen för mig

och att du själv inte har fått ett infall

att gå ut någonstans, men stannar hemma

och är redo att knulla nio gånger.

Men om du är upptagen vid den tiden,

bed mig komma direkt. Jag är redo,

ligger här på min säng och täcket putar

Russian prison tattoos. Fiction and reality

The glory of fiction

will rarely match the absurdity of reality

The silent house

Like it or not; doing a movie in one take requires a lot from the crew. Quite impressive.

Chomsky on Foucault

"I have never effectively understood what he was talking about."

Guess Who?

The face of the indie chick. Also married to whosits in that band that were indie before the OC made them non-indie, and he also made the song about great heights all kids stomped to a couple of years back. (Ben Gibbard)

Oh goodie, it's friday!

We work hard, we play harder

Philosopher versus internet phenomena pt.1

"It is so characteristic, that just when the mechanics of reproduction are so vastly improved, there are fewer and fewer people who know how the music should be played."  - Wittgenstein


Josh Homme

"Independent minded girls that are naked sound like a great start to something"

Nothing obscure, nothing new, just the best song of 2002


U.S.S.R CCTV any given moment

Gash and lash - springtime with Vile

Stuff by Albert Rasyulis - selection

All kinds of photographs. I just posted pictures of naked girls cause I'm a filthy pervert.

I natur

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