Weekend break
Gym, tan, laundry
Get drunk...
...or die...
This is a song about a little guy, who lives in a little house.
his whole demeanour being an act don't take away from his genious. Acting like a madman is no different than being considered or becoming one. Tom knows what he's doing, which just makes him all the more interesting. Title of post is a quote from 1:01 in video.
Just... uh... beyond description
Funniest band of the 80's
Absolutely gorgeous (like you hadn't figured out i was a nerd by now)
Man of the century
"Hos mannen kvarstår av kastrationskomplexets inflytande också ett visst mått av nedvärdering av kvinnan, som betraktas som kastrerad. Ur denna nedvärdering utvecklas i extremfallet en hämning av objektvalet och, ifall den understöds genom organiska faktorer, fullständig homosexualitet"
-early 20th century (has since been disputed/discredited - still funny though)
...and another thing
Conservative bombshell of the day
78 years have passed since 1933
And history is already repeating itself
But, as per the laws of physics, for each action a reaction. I believe the world is better prepared to deal with the rise of fascists today.
An appeal to angry women
I am not insane - I can tell the difference. Please stop acting like that's not the case.
When will you trust us when we say that we see the structures, but we don't want to maintain the status quo. Just remember there is such a thing as liberty and freedom of choice. Don't act like you always know whats best for others. That's the trademark of idiots.
The madness of the great Colonel
And a picture for good measure (too bland without it):
Peace (, love and understanding - Gaddafis personal motto)
And on to less serious matters
Silly little pups
But i do like Pantera:
Read if still unread (33 yrs late)
Re-think perspectives. Time not right to go philosophical. Later grasshoppers. Feels good to be back
Every person is an island. Only way to communicate is by shouting to other islands
I've become one of the hated - the people who argue on the internet. Try to use reason and sound arguments when debating islam-bashing swedes. Impossible. Arguments are met with hate - "leave the country if you don't like it". Hopeless. Tired now.
Proposing that all people who refuse to realise that we live in a global society be banned from using the internet. If they can't accept that there's a world outside sweden, deny them the right to communicate with this world.